Our approach
There are many different therapeutic directions and views. They all provide an approach to how human problems arise and can be treated. In our work we combine selected techniques adapted to your individual needs and the problem area. The basis of our work is behavior therapy. Behavioural therapy is the form of therapy that has been best scientifically investigated and has proven its effectiveness in many studies. We work out recurring behavioral and emotional patterns, make them understandable against the background of your personal life story. We work out possibilities for change and support the implementation. If there are difficulties in the process, unconscious blockades or inhibitions often play a role. These can be overcome by means of hypnotherapeutic techniques. In a state of relaxation or trance we have better access to our strengths, can overcome deep-seated inhibitions, develop new perspectives and release energies. In the case of extremely negative experiences in the sense of trauma, we work with appropriate trauma-therapeutic methods. Mindfulness-based techniques are helpful in all problem areas:
One can increase the ability to relax, learn to control emotions, enhance the ability to enjoy or simply come to rest. Methods of energetic psychotherapy (tapping method) are particularly effective in the case of somatoform disorders. They help to bring the body back into balance and replenish energy. Every person is integrated into human systems. In a couple’s relationship, in a family, as a manager or employee of a company. Systems have their own dynamics. We work accordingly with methods of Systemic Therapy and help to find solutions that go beyond the individual.
No matter what problem or disorder gives cause for treatment, we work on a holistic development of your personality: building up a stable self-confidence, recognizing your own strengths and weaknesses and a benevolent attitude towards yourself. The willingness to allow oneself to make mistakes and to accept oneself with one’s weaknesses is the prerequisite for fully exploiting one’s own strengths.
„It is sad to be an exception. But it is even sadder not to be an exception.“
(Peter Altenberg)