Problem areas
In our practice we treat people with the following difficulties and problems:
- Anxiety disorders such as panic attacks, phobias (such as spider, blood or injection phobia), social anxiety, performance and failure fears as well as generalized anxiety disorder (worries and fears concerning changing topics)
- Fear of relationships (e.g. constant fear of losing one’s partner, recurring problems in couple relationships, difficulties in choosing a partner, avoiding intimate relationships)
- Burn-Out syndrome, overwork and stress reactions, occupational problems (e.g. bullying)
- Chronic pain and somatoform disorders (physical complaints without sufficient somatic findings)
- depressive developments (e.g. symptoms such as joylessness, lack of interest, social withdrawal, lack of drive, constant sadness)
- Loneliness (difficulties in finding friends and generally establishing contacts)
- Jealousy (excessive jealousy without real reason)
- Hypochondria: the belief that one is suffering from a serious illness
- Internet addiction: excessive use of the Internet or computer in the areas of computer games, sexual content and written communication.
- Body dysmorphic disorder : the conviction of being disfigured, constant concern for one’s own appearance
- Physical diseases with effects on the soul, well-being and behaviour (e.g. cancer, tinnitus, migraine)
- couple problems such as constant fighting, boredom, cheating, sexual problems
- Personality disorders (inflexible patterns of experience and behaviour that lead to difficulties)
- Post-traumatic stress reactions after traumatic experiences (pressing, stressful memories and thoughts of a trauma)
- Examination fears
- Psychotic disorders, coping with the illness when the acute phase has subsided (e.g. schizophrenic residual)
- Sleep disorders (e.g. difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep, nightmares, sleep addiction)
- Self-esteem problems (e.g. dissatisfaction with oneself, the conviction of being less lovable than others)
- Sexual disorders in men such as erection problems or sexual dysfunction
- Sex addiction: A compulsive experience of heightened sexual desire: consumption of pornography, Internet, telephone sex…
- Impulse control disorders such as trichotillomania or skin picking
- Social anxiety, i.e. fear of blushing or trembling in public or of being ridiculed in other ways when dealing with other people
- Mourning reactions (support in the mourning process and in processing the loss)
- obsessive-compulsive disorders such as thought or control compulsions
- Interpersonal problems (e.g. being exploited, frequent disputes with others, being insulted and disregarded by others)
We clarify in the first 1-3 sessions, the diagnostical sessions, so called “Psychotherapeutische Sprechstunden”, whether the problem is a disorder classified by the International Statistical Classification of Diseases ICD-10 and the treatment is therefore covered by the health insurance companies. The diagnostical sessions are covered in any case by the german health insurance companies.